
Sale price $23.90 USD
Bags Quantity: 6 Bags
Extra Styles: 6 Bags Exclusive

Guarantee Safe Checkout

American Express
Diners Club

Live Stream Shopping Rules:

Order Instructions:
Place your order according to the quantity of goods you need.
Your products will be unboxed during the live broadcast.
Please note: Returns and exchanges will not be accepted after the product is unpacked.

Please see our shopping policy for details.

Extra Unboxing for Same Product:

If the same product appears during the unboxing, you will receive an additional unboxing opportunity.

Extra Unboxing for Wish Fulfillment:

If the product you wished for appears during the unboxing, you will receive an additional unboxing opportunity.

Extra Unboxing for Wine Bottle:

If a wine bottle appears during the unboxing, you will receive an additional unboxing opportunity.

Welcome to our live stream shopping experience! We appreciate your participation and want to ensure a smooth process for all our customers. Please read our unboxing policy carefully:

Order Confirmation: By placing an order during our live stream, you confirm your understanding and acceptance of our unboxing policy.

Unboxing Process: All products will be unboxed live during the broadcast. This allows you to see the product in real-time, enhancing your shopping experience.

Return and Exchange Policy: Please note that once a product is unboxed, returns or exchanges will not be accepted. This policy is in place to maintain the integrity of the items we offer.

Agreement to Terms: If you do not agree to these terms, we kindly ask that you refrain from making a purchase. Your order signifies your acceptance of this unboxing policy and all its stipulations.

Customer Support: Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our unboxing policy, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team before placing your order.

